A Revoultion

The time machine has given me a new message- get ready for a revolution-  I do believe that the time machine is going to send us to a different time period with Revolutions. All of the philosophers and Greek thinkers ideas have been sorted and are going to be use to light a revolution. A revolution…

Enlightenment thinkers- Hobbes

A great afternoon for time travel, today we’ll visit Thomas Hobbes in the year 1651. His idea was that people need to be in control under a government. His ideas were that all people were evil in a way, and the government exists to protect people from themselves. His contribution to history was the very…

Enlightenment thinkers-montesquieu

The time machine has now sent us to meet a thinker with a really long name, hopefully you can pronounce the name, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu. But historian refer him as just Montesquieu. He lived during the age of enlightenment, his ideas were a big contribution to the government of today. His ideas included: separation…

enlightenment thinkers- Wollstonecraft

Today  we have traveled back to the late 20th to meet Mary Wollstonecraft. She did many things in her brief career was an English writer, enlightenment philosopher, and an advocate for women. She lived during a time where women were seen lower than men. She is regarded as one of the first female philosopher in…

enlightenment thinker- Rousseau

Today our time machine has taken us to the 18th century to meet another enlightenment  thinker, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. he was influenced by John Locke  ideas. his ideas were used to influence the French Revolution. Some of his own ideas are direct democracy, government can be overthrown, and he made the social contract; which was an agreement between…

Enlightenment thinkers- Locke

This time we’re in England meeting a new person, John Locke. He is regarded as one of the most influential enlightenment thinkers. Many other thinkers followed him being influenced by him. John Locke contribution to history was a major one. A believe of his is that people are born with “natural rights”, right to life,…

New Time

So today I was cleaning the time machine and it gave me a message saying -new time period, get ready for the age of enlightenment. The age of enlightenment was a time period that people called enlightenment thinkers thought of influential ideas, democracy, freedoms, and liberties. It started in the late 17th and early 18th century.…

Greece Philosopher- Aristotle

Another day an other time, today we are meeting Aristotle, he has a relationship with Plato, due to at the age of eighteen, he joined Plato’s academy in Athens and studied until the age of thirty-seven. he later on became a tutor to Alexander the great. Aristotle studied many things in Plato’s school such as government, anatomy, ethics, and…

Greeks philosophers- Plato

Today our time machine has taken us back to ancient Greece to meet the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato was one of Socrates students he studied metaphysics,(which is the study of how nature works) and epistemology,(theory’s of knowledge). when he met Socrates they both studied styles of debates. This was Plato contribution to history, he believed…

Greeks philosophers- Socrates

We have gone back in time to ancient Greece where Socrates the philosopher was born. Socrates was a teacher back then, he supported democracy. Democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Socrates helped fund the idea to today’s democratic…