Glorious Revolution

Today will be the last Revolution- that what came out of the time machine today. Let see where will go. The Glorious Revolution was an event in the history of England in 1688. The people of England did not like the king, King James II because he would not let them have a say in government or practice religion in the way they wanted to. They invited William III of Orange-Nassau to take over as king. William was King James II’s nephew and Mary’s first cousin. He came to England and took over. They let the old king escape, so he moved to France out of fear. William signed the Bill of Rights and became king, and England became a constitutional monarchy. The Bill of Rights was establish, limiting the power of the monarchs, Parliament approval needed for taxes.

"There is one way never to see it lost, and that is to die in the last ditch."- William the  lll

“There is one way never to see it lost, and that is to die in the last ditch.”- William the lll


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