The final leap through time

I reviewed all my notes to answer this big question; How did a few nations come to control so much of the Globe? Well it wouldn’t be possible if it hadn’t been for industrialization, political/social actions and thoughts, cultural, and imperialism.

Imperialism is taking over foreign countries and claiming it as part of your own country. Many put colonies on the places that got imperialism that spread the industrialization. most of the taking over were political movement. Many countries took place in imperialism such as Britain,(why doesn’t that surprises me?), Germany, Spain, and Portugal.

Imperialism influenced westernization because many were competing for Africa, India, China, and others. That how it was influenced to changed.

That probably going to be some of my last time traveling adventure due to the time machine needs to reset after a few consecutive travels  and I don’t what to mess up the machine and time itself.


take care best wishes -webmaster


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